Being Everyone Else

Smooth Sunday


If you have been reading my content then you realize I sometimes write these posts which take a familiar and accepted concept, then break it down and re-build it in a way which can be used by us in the most productive way.


Well, This is One of Those


Everyone wants to feel like they want to belong within their realm of reality. Part of what helps build a society is the collaborative wanting of a group of people to be the one who contributed what was needed. Belonging is meaning, and once we find meaning our search is over.


Lots of psychologists and therapists will understandably recommend getting comfortable around other people; while they say to feel positive and happy in your own skin as well. While this isn’t a paradox, it is still a challenging feat to achieve. Just think about this one line of thought, if one is comfortable with others, does this mean that peace is on the inside, or is the facade just that, a facade.

Come closer

Ignoring the Possibilities


What we are does not have to do with what we decide to be okay with, or what others decide is good for us to accept. What we are, is the manisfestation of all the possibilities and reality which occurs within our range of knowledge. That is what we can be and what we are, not what we are willing to accept. We live with ourselves everyday, and to say that we are what we vbelive is to ignore the rest which we do not have control of.


 That is not to say there isn’t hope for more to become, it just means the possibilities of success were just increased by 100%…



Via Daily Prompt: Harmonize

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