Emotion Steps Forward

Monday Munch


“Prepare for the worst, expect the best, know the reality.”



We always want the best possible outcome, it is just natural. For most of us though, what plagues our minds are the less then positive endings which we think are more likely to happen. The fear of being let down is so great, that we actually believe that the world has a negative outcome waiting for us to walk into.


The reasoning? Fear of lurching towards our goal.


More times then not, patience and logic bring out the best outcome, but there are instances where we must simply lurch toward the goal we have set for ourselves. An un-explainable action caused by a moment of inspiration is all we need to push ourselves into the next step of our adventure.


We can use our emotions to achieve what we need to accomplish, they can go awry, but hopefully we can set ourselves on such a strong path, that nothing will be able to divert our focus…



Lurch – Daily Prompt

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